Visual Field

Visual field examination with the Humphrey Field Analyzer (central)

A visual field examination is an examination that is is very frequently performed at the Eye Clinic of Winksele. It is carried out in order to detect any eventual defects in the visual field or also to keep an eye on the evolution of existing defects.

It is a difficult examination that asks for the patient's utmost concentration. The visual field is done first on the right eye and then afterwards on the left eye.

The patient sits in front of a hemisphere with one eye covered and they have to hold a button. They then need to look straight ahead at a small orange colored dot of light in the middle of the dome. Lights are projected one after the other at various places in the dome. A built-in computer determines the placement, the order and the strength of the light. As soon as the patient sees the light they need to press the button. The computer registers which lights were observed and at what light strength.

Gradually the whole visual field is examined.

The computer also registers when the patient does not remain fixated on the small orange light. In this way the ophthalmologist can assess the reliability of the test. The examination generally takes no longer than 5 minutes per eye.

Abnormalities in the visual field

There are many diseases that can lead to defects in the visual field. The form of the visual field is often a characteristic of a disease.

The most common indicators for a visual field examination:

  • Neurological disorders
  • Glaucoma and the evolution of glaucoma
  • Abnormalities of the optic nerve
  • An inexplicable low visual ability


Normal visual field

Normaal gezichtsveld

Visual field with glaucoma

Gezichtsveld met glaucoom

Visual field after a cerebral infarction

Gezichtsveld na herseninfarct

Visual Field examination with the Goldmann (periphery)

This visual field examination is performed in order to detect potential defects in the peripheral visual field or to follow up on the evolution of existing defects.

The visual field is examined first on the right eye and then afterwards on the left eye.

The patient sits in front of a hemisphere with one eye covered and has to hold a button. They have to look straight ahead at point of light in the middle of the dome.

The examiner chooses a specific size and strength for the light. By hand, the examiner will move the light from the outside of the dome toward the inside. As soon as the patient sees the light, they have to press the button. The examiner indicates this point and gradually examines the entire visual field. They will have to make sure that the patient remains well concentrated on the point of light in the middle of the dome.

The most common indicators for a peripheral visual field examination:

  • Neurological disorders
  • Abnormalities of the optic nerve
  • An inexplicable low visual ability


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