
What is cataract?

Cataract is an eye disease in which the lens becomes clouded. Owing to this clouding of the lens, rays of light cannot easily reach the retina. Patients consult their ophthalmologist due to misty, blurry vision.

How do cataracts develop?

The clouding of the lens is in most occasions, is a result of the aging of the eye lens. Cataracts develop gradually and it takes years before you actually notice anything. In some occasions the process occurs more quickly and your sight can increasingly get worse within a short period of time. Other causes of cataracts include:

  • Use of certain medicines, including cortisone.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Accidents related to the eye.
  • Some diseases, including diabetes.

What will you notice?

  • Blurry, clouded, misty vision.
  • Problems with backlight, like the headlights from oncoming traffic.
  • Changes to your glasses prescription strength (often people are able to see better close up without glasses).
  • No pain.

What can be done about it?

Cataracts can only be improved with an operation. There is no medicine which can make the eye lens transparent and clear.

When is it necessary to operate on cataracts?

  • When you experience difficulties in your daily tasks.
  • When you still drive and no longer comply with the legal requirements.
  • When the swelling of the lens and/or the clouding threatens the health of your eye.

The aim of the treatment

The aim of a cataract operation is to obtain better visual acuity. Afterwards, patients very often need less strong glasses or even no glasses.

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